Tuesday, August 28, 2012

My Writing Metaphor

My writing is a meme. At first, it’s all “shit girls say,” then it’s all “unhelpful high school teacher” did not prepare me for this. Finally, “success kid” shows up and things can get “rick rolling.” WRITE ALL THE THINGS. Then, suddenly, scumbag computer is like “I see you haven’t saved changes for a while, it’s probably time to restart and install 87 updates”. So I turn in the first draft, and my professor gets all “condescending Wonka” saying “Oh, you think this paper is done? Let me make it bleed with my judgmental red pen.” And then I think I’ll never get an A and all my friends roll their eyes and call it a “first world problem.” Just in time, Philosorapter puts in his two cents, pondering “if everyone can write, why are you having such a hard time of it right now?” But in the end, I finish the draft just in time to see Inception with Socially Awesome Penguin and my Overprotective Suburban Mom is really proud of how well I am doing in school.

Writing is a meme. It happens quickly; it’s difficult to make a perfect one; it’s changing all the time; everyone does it; not everyone likes it all the time; it has the power to really change something (for the better or the worse).  

Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Welcome to ENC1101!

Hi everyone and welcome to your ENC 1101 Class Blog!

This blog will serve as our point of reference throughout the semester. You’ll be able to find links to hand outs and readings, as well as an up-to-date calendar. You’ll be creating your own blogs, too, for a fun place to keep some of your class writings. 

This section of ENC 1101 follows the “Engaging Cultural Mediums” strand here at FSU and aims to help you improve your fluency and rhetorical sophistication, develop the skills to write for a variety of audiences, and practice critical reading, writing, and response techniques. More specifically, in this course we want to focus on the power of language—the discovery of what happens when we use language (properly and improperly) and what happens when disparate media use language on us. Over the course of the semester, expect to critically engage with media you know and love to find the message behind the message – what values are being transmitted, what’s at stake in those messages, and how messages change across media platforms.

I’m looking forward to getting to know and learn with each of you.
